File Upload

In this example we show how to create a file upload form that will be submitted via ajax, along with a progress bar.

We will show two different implementation, one in pure javascript (using some utility methods in htmx) and one in hyperscript

First the pure javascript version.

    <form id='form' hx-encoding='multipart/form-data' hx-post='/upload'>
        <input type='file' name='file'>
        <progress id='progress' value='0' max='100'></progress>
        htmx.on('#form', 'htmx:xhr:progress', function(evt) {
          htmx.find('#progress').setAttribute('value', evt.detail.loaded/ * 100)

The hyperscript version is very similar, except:

    <form hx-encoding='multipart/form-data' hx-post='/upload'
          _='on htmx:xhr:progress(loaded, total) set #progress.value to (loaded/total)*100'>
        <input type='file' name='file'>
        <progress id='progress' value='0' max='100'></progress>

Note that hyperscript allows you to destructure properties from details directly into variables