
Htmx provides an extensive events system that can be used to modify and enhance behavior. Events are listed below.

Event - htmx:afterOnLoad

This event is triggered after an AJAX onload has finished. Note that this does not mean that the content has been swapped or settled yet, only that the request has finished.


Event - htmx:afterProcessNode

This event is triggered after htmx has initialized a DOM node. It can be useful for extensions to build additional features onto a node.


Event - htmx:afterRequest

This event is triggered after an AJAX request has finished either in the case of a successful request (although one that may have returned a remote error code such as a 404) or in a network error situation. This event can be paired with htmx:beforeRequest to wrap behavior around a request cycle.


Event - htmx:afterSettle

This event is triggered after the DOM has settled.


Event - htmx:afterSwap

This event is triggered after new content has been swapped into the DOM.


Event - htmx:beforeOnLoad

This event is triggered before any response processing occurs. If the event is cancelled, no swap will occur.


Event - htmx:beforeProcessNode

This event is triggered before htmx initializes a DOM node and has processed all of its hx- attributes. This gives extensions and other external code the ability to modify the contents of a DOM node before it is processed.


Event - htmx:beforeRequest

This event is triggered before an AJAX request is issued. If the event is cancelled, no request will occur.


Event - htmx:beforeSend

This event is triggered right before a request is sent. You may not cancel the request with this event.


Event - htmx:beforeSwap

This event is triggered before any new content has been swapped into the DOM. If the event is cancelled, no swap will occur.

You can modify the default swap behavior by modifying the shouldSwap and target properties of the event detail. See the documentation on configuring swapping for more details.


Event - htmx:configRequest

This event is triggered after htmx has collected parameters for inclusion in the request. It can be used to include or update the parameters that htmx will send:

document.body.addEventListener('htmx:configRequest', function(evt) {
    evt.detail.parameters['auth_token'] = getAuthToken(); // add a new parameter into the mix

Note that if an input value appears more than once the value in the parameters object will be an array, rather than a single value.


Event - htmx:historyCacheError

This event is triggered when an attempt to save the cache to localStorage fails


Event - htmx:historyCacheMiss

This event is triggered when a cache miss occurs when restoring history


Event - htmx:historyCacheMissError

This event is triggered when a cache miss occurs and a response has been retrieved from the server for the content to restore, but the response is an error (e.g. 404)


Event - htmx:historyCacheMissLoad

This event is triggered when a cache miss occurs and a response has been retrieved succesfully from the server for the content to restore


Event - htmx:historyRestore

This event is triggered when htmx handles a history restoration action


Event - htmx:beforeHistorySave

This event is triggered when htmx handles a history restoration action


Event - htmx:load

This event is triggered when a new node is loaded into the DOM by htmx.


Event - htmx:noSSESourceError

This event is triggered when an element refers to a SSE event in its trigger, but no parent SSE source has been defined


Event - htmx:onLoadError

This event is triggered when an error occurs during the load handling of an AJAX call


Event - htmx:oobErrorNoTarget

This event is triggered when an out of band swap does not have a corresponding element in the DOM to switch with.


Event - htmx:prompt

This event is triggered after a prompt has been shown to the user with the hx-prompt attribute. If this event is cancelled, the AJAX request will not occur.


Event - htmx:pushedIntoHistory

This event is triggered after an url has been pushed into history.


Event - htmx:responseError

This event is triggered when an HTTP error response occurs


Event - htmx:sendError

This event is triggered when a network error prevents an HTTP request from occurring


Event - htmx:sseError

This event is triggered when an error occurs with a SSE source


Event - htmx:swapError

This event is triggered when an error occurs during the swap phase


Event - htmx:targetError

This event is triggered when a bad selector is used for a hx-target attribute (e.g. an element id without a preceding #)


Event - htmx:validation:validate

This event is triggered before an element is validated. It can be used with the elt.setCustomValidity() method to implement custom validation rules.

<form hx-post="/test">
  <input _="on htmx:validation:validate
               if my.value != 'foo'
                  call me.setCustomValidity('Please enter the value foo')
                  call me.setCustomValidity('')"

Event - htmx:validation:failed

This event is triggered when an element fails validation.


Event - htmx:validation:halted

This event is triggered when a request is halted due to validation errors.


Event - htmx:xhr:abort

This event is triggered when an ajax request aborts


Event - htmx:xhr:loadstart

This event is triggered when an ajax request starts


Event - htmx:xhr:loadend

This event is triggered when an ajax request finishes


Event - htmx:xhr:progress

This event is triggered periodically when an ajax request that supports progress is in flight
